This is what the builders have just left behind... My new workshop! I have been feeling so cramped where I work in the little sunroom at the back of the house, it is a dream come true to finally be getting a decent workspace. We will be finishing the build ourselves to save every penny. We have to weather-proof the outside and insulate the inside so it will be a while before I move in, but we are getting there.
The building is a single skin lightweight block structure with a block and beam floor and a felt roof. The builders have poured a concrete floor that is drying as we speak. We got the windows and doors on eBay. OK, not matching but hey, they came to a total of £47. I reckon that, by the time the external walls are cladded and we have a few flowering plants, it will be charming enough.
I seriously cannot wait to organise my new space where everything will be in its place and within easy reach. A proper workbench with tools hanging on the wall, a sewing table, labelled boxes of knicks, knacks, bits and bobs. A new chapter is opening and I am slowly growing roots in Oxford. I have a head full of projects and I'm feeling very positive. Have a great weekend everyone.