There is something about old photographs, isn't there? Even passport mugshots looked good! I scanned the photo and meticulously worked on it, using Photoshop - a software for the treatment of photographs. It took a while but I think I managed to rescue this lovely portrait of my Mum.
This charming little Art Nouveau heart-shaped frame is just the thing for it. It can be tricky to come up with a suitable present for an old man, but I am sure my Dad will be thrilled to receive the repaired picture of his lost love for Christmas.
I have to admit that I have been busy on non-Christmassy projects lately, notably working on my son's bedroom, and designing a website in all urgency for some clients. As a result, Christmas has been magically postponed by about a month in my wishful-thinking mind... Which has left me in a panic, realising how far behind I am with preparations! I have presents to make, cards to send... I am feeling slightly overwhelmed. Still, I managed to put our Christmas tree up, so Santa won't be as disorientated as me! Some greenery married to dried poppy seeds in a vase and a few pine cones are a quick and easy way to add a seasonal feel to a room.
I went for a traditional Norway Spruce, which is great value and has a wonderfully strong pine scent. It instantly brought some festive spirit into our living room. I thought it was pretty as it was, and didn't want to hide it completely under heavy decorations. I kept it simple with just one gold tinsel, one gold pearl chain, and just a few baubles...
My husband had been up in the loft insulating and laying floorboards down - thus creating useful storage for all my junk - when he came down with a box of old and forgotten Christmas decorations. In there, we discovered these gorgeous velvet and pearl baubles that added the boho touch I had been looking for.